Boost your confidence and have your Grounded Theory dissertation/thesis reviewed by Fellows of the Grounded Theory Institute before submission. We will review your written methods and theory chapters of your thesis and provide detailed written feedback and guidance on how to improve your thesis. Known as developmental editing, this is time consuming and therefore costs £50 per 1,000 words.
PGPR are a proofreading and feedback service who specialise in helping qualitative postgrad students. They offer a range of services including proofreading, video consultations, written feedback and transcription, and can help students using IPA, thematic analysis, conversation analysis and more. Get in touch with their team of friendly experts to find out more.
Astrid Gynnild, Alvita Nathaniel, Andy Lowe, Hans Thulesius, Tom Andrews, and Vivian Martin are willing to act as PhD examiners. Contact us to let us know what you need.
A paper submitted to the Grounded Theory Review for publication, will be reviewed for free. The copyright will remain with you which means you are free to publish the paper yourself or to submit it to other journals/publications; however, you should check that those journals/publications do not insist on being sole publishers of your paper.
If you wish to submit to a paper to other journals/publications, we will be pleased to review your paper to include detailed feedback. We would normally expect to take about 4 hours thus you could expect to pay about £200. Email Helen or use the contact form to request a quote.